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Axisoft was invited to the 9th Mainland-Hong Kong Services Industry Symposium

2 – 3 November 2016, Hong Kong - The 9th Mainland-Hong Kong Services Industry Symposium was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Axisoft was invited to participate the symposium. The symposium was co-organized by the Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), and is a useful communication platform for accelerating partnerships between mainland and Hong Kong service providers. This year, the symposium focused on innovative and synergetic opportunities in the services trade industry of the mainland and Hong Kong in the internet age, and deepening of closer collaboration between Hong Kong and the mainland in various services sectors as well as exploring international business opportunities. As an invitee of IT outsourcing representatives in the symposium, Axisoft has many years of professional experience in Banking and Financial Technology (Fin-Tech) IT outsourcing services, and shared with the participants in the symposium how Axisoft is capable of providing to clients with our top-ranking banking solutions and professional IT outsourcing services.

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